David Wood (David Foxton) – Artist and Playwright

David Wood MBE (pen name David Foxton) was an international artist and playwright, authoring over 80 plays, who lived and worked for most of his life in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.

Whilst working as an art and drama teacher in Leeds and Wakefield he was a pivotal figure in the visual arts and amateur theatre in the region. In 2002 both he and his wife, Judith, received MBEs for services to the Arts.

David's paintings are nearly always intimate British landscapes, principally in oils but also in gouache, ink, water colours and mixed media.

David's plays, several of which are published, cover a range of styles, subjects and scales from large scale full length plays for family audiences through to one act plays for adult and young performers.

This site contains the only complete current list of David Foxton plays to be found anywhere.

David Wood
© 2025 Judith Wood
e: judith.wood5@btinternet.com
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